360-degree services - the full spectrum of operations

For more than 27 years, Apsys Polska has been engaged in comprehensive retail property management and has contributed to the Polish commercial real estate market, being one of the leading property managers.

Pillars of Apsys' management strategy

Generating revenue from real estate as a pillar of business strategy
Optimization of processes based on technological innovations
Environmental and wellbeing & safety solutions
Quality control and safety guarantees based on proven proprietary tools
Verified over many years of cooperation among employees and subcontractors

Trackeo Properties

This is a modern analytical platform that allows Apsys and its clients to process information in an advanced way for, among others, forecasting demand and profitability of shopping center, planning activities, and conducting marketing campaigns based on detailed data, as well as monitoring the performance of facilities and strengthening collaboration with tenants.
3 functional modules developed especially for the needs of shopping centers:


Turnover module
Enables the collection and analysis of turnover data and includes a set of practical functions to support this process, such as tenant input and management of turnover by the center's manager, management of turnover periods by the administrator's head office, and reports linked to the collected data.


The communication with the landlord module
Provides a secure exchange of information, documents and reports with owners.


The communication with the tenant module
Allows quick and effective contact on matters related to the day-to-day operation of the shopping center. This module includes the option to execute all notifications digitally and perform other administrative processes remotely.
Through our dedication and expertise as a property and real estate manager, we ensure the seamless operation and optimization of every property under our care, striving to exceed the expectations of both owners and tenants.

Effective quality control tools

Evaluation of service companies:

A detailed questionnaire to verify the work of subcontractors across the management portfolio