Authentic solutions developed by experts


Since 2019, Apsys Polska has been conducting periodic satisfaction surveys among tenants who have their premises in facilities managed by the company. In the annual survey, tenants’ representatives evaluate the quality of cooperation with shopping center managers, the quality of services provided by maintenance companies in a given center, and the effectiveness of marketing activities carried out in a given center.

Since 2018. Apsys Polska has been conducting satisfaction surveys amongthe owners of the assets it manages. All areas of cooperation with ApsysPolska are assessed – from the substantive, such as management,marketing and leasing services, to the qualitative, such as contact with thecentre’s management and head office, openness, and customerfriendliness. The conclusions of the survey form the basis for continuousimprovement of the quality of services provided by the company.

You can read more about the satisfaction survey in our ESG report